Spring in Japan
Travel to Japan in spring, season of flower blossoms and warm weather, time for rice festivals and fresh food

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Japan spring festivals
The best spring festivals in Japan, mainly inspired by the flower bloomings, but there are still many related to the rice planting activity, the core of japanese diet.
卯木かな松永 貞徳 (1571 - 1653)
snow, moon and flowers
can all be seen
on deutzia flowerMatsunaga Teitoku (1571 - 1653)
Japan spring blossom and things to do
Cherry blossom map on spring in Japan.
Wisteria blossom map on spring in Japan.
Best places to see fireflies at night in Japan, from spring to early summer.
すみれ草松尾 芭蕉 (1644 - 1694)
coming from a mountain path
somehow charming
a wild violetMatsuo Bashō (1644 - 1694)
Japan spring food
The best food to eat in spring in Japan are freshly harvested vegetables as well as all the thematic foods inspired by the cherry blossom petals and colors.
日は西に与謝 蕪村 (1716 - 1783)
flowers of rape
moon in the east
sun in the westYosa Buson (1716 - 1783)
Japan spring weather
Temperature starts to slowly increase, melting the snow on mountains, but the summer hot is still far to come and often it happens that some new snow falls during the cherry blossom period of late April.
ざくらかな富安 風生 (1885 - 1979)
deep blue sky
weeping sakura
are bloomingFusei Tomiyasu (1885 - 1979)